The Paducah Sun from Paducah, Kentucky (2024)

Murray State Entertains Eastern Saturday i -y Murray Has Won More man cxpccrca MURRAY, Feb. 9-Eastern'f revenge-minded Maroons Invade the Sports Arena here Saturday night for an all-important Ohio Valley Conference clash with Murray State's Thoroughbreds, Sporting a 4-2 conlerence mark. Coach Jim Baechtold's Maroons are still very much in contention for the loop title that is, if they don't get by a young Murray team that handed Eastern one of its two league defeats. Snapped Eastern's Long Win Skein In that Eastern-Murray contest, Coach Cal Luther's team not only damaged the Maroons' conference chances but also snapped a 38-game home court win streak as 8-6 center Jim Jennings hit a last-second bucket to give Murray an 82-80 victory at Richmond. By JIM ELKINS Sun-Democrat Sporti Editor While Murray Is out of the OVC title chase, Luther's sophom*ore-studded crew can up its loop mark to 54 with a victory over the Maroons, which would give the Racers a good chance to finish among the leaders.

Eastern is certainly not conceding the title. "We don't figure that we're out of the conference race yet," the personable young Baechtold said in discussing his team's chances of competing for the Ohio Valley Conference crown. "We are taking the games one at a time, and certainly no one associated with the squad feels that we are out of the running." "After all, stranger things have happened in sports and It is not an impossibility to win in this league on the road. This has been proven this year by both Murray and Western because they both defeated us here, and in successive games." 1 Murray shoved its league record to 4-4 and overall mark to 11-9 Wednesday evening with pulsating 69-68 victory over Middle Tennessee at Murfreesboro. Again it was a last-second jump shot by Jennings that spelled victory for the Racers.

Pleased With Middle Showing Luther was pleased for the most part with his team's showing against Middle, but he had no kind words for the Racers' free throw shooting Murray hit only 11 of 25 from the charity lane. Following the Saturday night battle with Eastern, Murray has conference games left with Morehead (here Feb. 12), Western (there Feb. 17), and Tennessee Tech (here Feb. 24).

Murray has a non-conference game left with Arkansas State at Jonesboro, Feb. 21. Tilghman Faces Bradley Still Leader In MVC By JIM HACKLEMAN, AP Sports Writer Bradley remains the pace-setter In the tight Missouri Two Marshall 5 's Tilghman faces a rough time trying to get above the .500 mark this weekend. First, the Tornado Dlavs at Benton tonight whirh Valley basketball conference race after a romp; Cincin always a tough assignment, and then on Saturday night, the uiueiueu emenam noma. Aiarsnau nati still is right behind after a squeaker, and Providence, St.

John's and New York University are a notch higher in the struggle for Eastern Supremacy. The two Marshall County teams Several hie area clashes are on are always tough to beat and this Bradley kept its slender hold on year is no exception. the MVC lead Thursday night by routing North Texas 91-61 while Benton brings a 13-8 record into tap for the weekend. Sedalia and Murray High square off at the latter's home court tonight while once-beaten Prinoetnn Cincinnati stayed a half game DacK with a 54-48 decision at St. Louis.

me game and the best defensive average in the region. North, while below-par record-wise, has a highly-capable team. The Jets are 14-9 for the season Dotson takes on Caldwell fJounty rated with soph star Howard Pardue to lead the Gobblers to their 33rd successive victory at home, 87-81 over Wake Forest. Keller totaled 31 points and Par-due had 24. Houston utilizing its patented press and pass strategy, hustled past Miami, with a 16-3 spurt early in the second half and blew down the Hurricanes 80-69.

key Eastern cames. Provi dence maintained its momentum tonignt. Joppa Plays Brookport Metropolis faces another South. against one of the toughest sched by edging Boston Colleee 70-68 ules in the region. and New York teams went 2-for-2 Tilehman is 8-rfor the season.

era fllini Conference test on Saturday when the Troiana travel tn against Philadelphia rivals at but has shown considerable im Madison Square Garden St. McLeansboro. provement in its last two outings. MURRAY STATE has already won more games than most people thought the Racers would win this year. This was a rebuilding year, a season that was supposed to be devoted to giving the sophom*ores experience.

It has been that, but the club still has played far better than even the most optimistic follower had even dreamed it would in compiling an 11-9 overall mark and a 44 record in the tough Ohio Valley Conference. The Racers have performed in typical sophom*orish style at times playing tremendous basketball one night and then only so-so a day later. But even with the inconsistency, the Racers have been an interesting and exciting team and certainly a credit to Coach Cal Luther's coaching. Nobody dreamed the Racers would beat Eastern especially at Richmond and give some of the other conference powers a real tussle. Ron Greene, the only senior starter on the club, probably provided the best Insight on the team with his remark after the Eastern win.

Greene told Luther following the victory, which snapped Eastern's 38-game home floor winning streak: "I've been coming to Eastern long enough to know that you don't beat them at Richmond But you couldn't make this crazy bunch of sophom*ores believe that," said Greene, chuckling. That's exactly the way the young Racers 'have played like a team that didn't know they weren't supposed to win. The Racers have given an all-out effort on defense and worked hard on offense all season. The team has shown the "spunk" that makes them a credit to the college and anything they accomplish would certainly be befitting their effort. Conference laurels are out of the thinking, but the Racers could write a satisfying finish by even staying above the .500 mark for the season, which would be no small task when you consider the Racers have games left with Eastern, Morehead, Western, Arkansas State and Tennessee Tech.

Racers Should Be Tough In Future GOOD FRESHMAN GROUP-Anything that the Racers do this season is like money in the bank, drawing interest. For the Mur-rayans lose only one regular and will gain the services of the promising freshman team. Greene graduates, and while he has been an invaluable performer this season, the Racers have at least a couple of players that should be able to fill his shoes. Bennie Goheen, the former North Marshall ace, has looked good on the freshman team and transfer Gene Pendleton has been outstanding in practice. Pendleton, who is from Monticello, came to Murray from the University of Tennessee, where he averaged 28 points per game as a freshman last year.

Sophom*ore Bob Goebel has also looked good at times this season in a relief role. This threesome will probably be fighting it out for the vacated position, i The rest of the frontline players return, including high-scoring Jim Jennings, fast-developing Scott Schlosser, high-jumping Al Varnas, Stanley Walker and GocbeL John's 79-66 over Villanova and NYU 78-73 against Temple in ine Biuemen divided two games last week, beating Reidland be- Joppa, the only unbeaten team in lower Southern Illinois, opposes Brookport on Friday nieht in Its overtime. Bradley, 15-3 and ranked sev tore bowing to Heath. Heath Seeks No. 21 only game this weekend.

enth nationally, won for the eighth tune in nine conference starts Coach Otis Dinnini? is pvnerrprl Heath will be trying for its 10th straight win tonight against Hick with the runaway at North Texas, to Bo with the same combination Led by sophom*ore Joe Strawder man County. The Pirates have not tasted defeat since early Jan and All-America Chet Walker, the that started last week's games. This would have James Gordon at uary. St. Marv's faces a toueh assign Braves zeroed in with 17 straight points midway in the first half and breezed through.

Strawder center, Terry Groom and i 1 1 Connor at forward and A. Jim rreswn viuy ueiu gucu ui the game proved the winner for Seattle in a 76-75 decision at Montana State. Other scores Wyoming 92. Denver 87, overtime; Gonzaga 74. Washington State 61; The Citadel 86, East Tennessee 67; Delaware 74, Albright 66.

College Scores By The AMOCIattd Pratt EAST Sf. Johns, N.Y. 79, Villanova NYU 71, Temple 73, overtime Providence 70, Boston College Clark, Mass, 68, Brandeis 74 Westminster, Pi. 88, Baldwin Wallace 47 Gettysburg 71, Hartwlck 47 Grove City 76, Waynesburg 64 Gannon 94, Tennessee State Ellzabethtown Si, Dickinson, Pa. 61 Buffalo State 97, Brockport 75 Bloomfield 74, Monmouth, N.J.

7J Phlla. Textile 100, Wilkes 56 Newark Engineering VI, Brooklyn Poly 62 ment tonight with center Tom Wright and Don Harris at the was high in the game with 23 wiison on the sidelines with a broken ankle. Mavfield has hwn guard spots. FURGERSON LOOKS FORWARD Murray Track" Coach Bill Furgerson (seated) looks at the trophy his team won last year in the Mason-Dixon Games in Louisville. Back of hira are three members of that team, Jeff Fults, John Tweedie, and Dennis Barden.

Furgerson will enter two relay teams and a hurdler In this year's games which are scheduled for Feb. 17 at Freedom Hall. points and Walker added 21. Six other eames involving Me- an in-and-out club, starting off Clncy Had Scare Cracken Countv teams are Rrhprl. fast, but slacking off in recent Cincinnati's third-ranked Bear uled over the weekend.

games. cats had a scare on the Biliikens' Heath seeks victory No. 21 In a The Knights are also minus home came with Hickman Countv guard Steve Wurth. who is kMp- floor, dissipating 13 points of a 15-point second half lead before two foul shots by Georee Wilson while St. Mary's entertains May- lined with strep throat.

John Hol- iieiov Kemiand plays at Ballard us will replace Wurth at the and Tom Sizer's layup put it Memorial. Lone Oak er in Rvm- starting guard spot for the away. sonia and Paducah Lincoln travels numa uncuui travels to Henderson Douglass in tonight's Kmgnts- The Bearcats, winners of four straight Missouri Valley titles and action. Lone Oak Seeks 12th Win On Saturday nieht St Mark's UK Grid Coach Says 'Potential Is Here' By DONALD F. BOLLES LEXINGTON.

Kv Feb. 9 fAPi At Kentnrkv. whprA last season's national champions, have dropped two of their nine Reidland seeks revenge for a goes soutn Marshall season-opening defeat at the conference games to Bradley hands of Ballard tonight The Bombers won the earlier meeting ana Wichita Wheatshockers, who are 6-2. Cincinnati has rematches PJCDrubsZ be at home with the other two con a single point Reidland will trying for its lSth win in 24 tenders later this month. Providence played another cliff- outings.

Lone Oak. which had 5-fi L. hanger and pulled out its ninth victory in a row since a four- record back in late December ine WSK 01 me wildcats" lOOtDail fortunes, game losmg slumn on the "road has won nine of its last 13 games Southeast By 98-58 Charlie Bradshaw, at 37. disclaims anv miracles. But.

in December. Going with their to sport a 11-10 season mark. The Purole Flash will he try fans whove heard his positive ing for their 12th win and second program are optimistic. five starters all the way, the Friars saw Boston College rally to within two points when Gerry Ward connected with six seconds or tne season over fcymsonia When you add Tom Officer, Butch Ilill, Gary Seay and the other members of the freshman team, you can readily see the Racers will be well-fortified in the upcoming years. Paducah Junior Collet to go.

The Eades had one last Potsdam 58, Utlca 54 Wlpdham 119, New Haven Coll. 14 Worcester State 11, Salem, Mass. 74 Delaware 74, Albright 66 Adelphl 69, Rider 63 SOUTH Virginia Tech 17, Wake Forest 11 The Citadel 66, East Tenn. 67 Mercer VI, Florida Southern 72 Lenoir Rhyne 92, Pfelffer 58 Tampa 62, Wm. Carey 74 Wofford 72, Presbyterian 50 Appalachian 72, Elon 45 Campbell 83, Ersklne 73 Maryland State 46, Delaware State IS Frostburg 69, Potomac State, W.Va.

63 Marshall 89, Morris Harvey 83 Tenn. Wesieyan 106, Emory Henry 72 Salem, W.Va. 74, West Va. Wesieyan 73 Howard, Ala. 112, Belmont 83 Concord, W.Va.

73, Davis Elklns 68 Georgetown, Ky. 71, Villa Madonna 56 Bellarmlne 93, Union, Ky. 82 Huntingdon 94, Mlllsaps 74 Cumberland, Ky. 107, Campbellsvllle 96 Tenn. Martin 98, Union, Tenn.

73 Plkevllle, Ky. 88, Ft. Gordon 75-King, Tenn. 72, Mllligan 64 Carson Newman 88, Lincoln Memorial 61 Alcorn 91, Jackson, State- 79 Richmond Professional 88, Lynchburg 59 Norfolk Wm. fc Mary 76, Randolph Macon 68 MIDWEST Cincinnati 54, St.

Louis 48 Wooster 82, Otterbeln 52 Central Mich. 72, Eastern Mich. 54 Kenyon 75, Oberlln 57 Dickinson, N.D. 109, Wahpeton 78 Dana 96. Northwestern, Iowa 74 Valley City, N.D.

66, Mlnot- 64 Emporia State 85, St. Benedicts 57 Vincennes 100, Rose Poly 66 -Milton 91, Rockford, III. 73 Missouri Mines 94, Harris Tehrs 85 Flndlay 80, Wilmington 67 SOUTHWEST Bradley 91, North Texas 61 Houston 80, Miami, Fla. 69 Arizona Stale Coll. 80, Grand Canyon 60 FAR WEST Paducah Lincoln will be seeking its eighth win of the season will put some beef in the high school and junior high programs.

"The potential is here, but is lying dormant," he said. "This is a game of living experience. These boys react as well as they are trained." While the fans are honstino' in 49 per cent of its shots from chance to draw even, but Dave Reynolds' 10-footer at the two- me neid last night to gain its sec against Henderson Douglass. The Familiar Figure Missing On Eastern Bench ona win this season over thp second mark bounced off the rim. Hornets are 7-10 for the season.

"I didn't need this job. I had a fine job," said the former Kentucky and Alabama assistant coach. "But I like the Kentucky people. I think we can paint them a picture and get something done." Bradshaw feels Kentucky can Southeast Missouri iunior varsitv Jim Hadnot led Providence with 28 points. The Indians, in winninc oft.ut Kentucky's basketball team, now Thirty-two points and 20 re Tonight WESTERN KENTUCKY TrlKf County at Livingston CtntraJ Princeton DoUon at Caldwell Co.

Lone Oak at Symonla Tflrhmnn at ftentnn gunned in 44 of 90 field goal attempts while Sountheast Missouri m. 2 nationally behind Ohio State, Bradshaw wades through nit only 25 of 83 shots for a nonr Mayficld at St. 30 per cent. hold its own in the tough South a mountain of paperwork and top high school players. "I don't feel basketball sets The Indians, returninff (mm two-game road trin whirh bounds by 6-10 Leroy Ellis and Willie Hall's tight guarding job on Villanova star Hubie White keyed St.

John's to its victory over the Wildcats. White accounted for nine points as Villanova jumped into a quick 14-6 lead but the Redmen put Hall on him at that stage and Hubie managed only 10 more the rest of the way. eastern Conlerence, where the Wildcats haven't had a winning season since 1954, if Kentuckians works on crabbing some more them lose both contest, roared Hickman at Mayfleld Dunbar Fulton City at Fulton County. I owes at CarUale County SeaUa at Murray HUh Hickman County at Heatb Lincoln at Henderaon Reidland at Ballard Lyon County at Fredonia Crittenden County at Sturnis furmintftrifft p.m. tr overemphasis here," he said.

away to a commanding 50-25 advantage during the first half and never were threatened in rnllino Ohio State isn't experiencing this-they are tops in basketball and football we want a cham to the easy victory. South Marshall at Calloway County pionship in every sport here." ine wildcats, were fresh from Brewer Collects 31 a triumph over another of OIU Al WfcS lfcKIN ILLINOIS SOUTHERN ILLINOIS Pone County at Cave-In-Rock Bradshaw makes it clear that he won't be a carbon conv nf The Paducahans hrnltP fast an A I Denver 92, Wyoming 87, overtime used their blistering fast-break the Eastern powers, sixth-ranked Duquesne. Reiner Snnrlia WIT Collier, nor will he reject Col Moore May Lose Part Of Crown NEW YORK (AP) The New York Athletic Commission meets Rosiclare at Rldgway bonzaga 74, Washington State 61 Seattle 76, Montana State 75 Linrieid 74, whitman 60 MURRAYAN HAD BAECHTOLD-A "familiar figure will be missing from the Eastern bench when the Maroons visit the Murray Sports Arena Saturday night. Paul McBrayer, the veteran Eastern coach, resigned earlier this yea after years at the Maroons' cage helm. In "Mac's" place on the Eastern bench will be Jim Baechtold, who is long-remembered by Murrayans for his collegiate feats while playing at Eastern.

Baechtold was a regular for the Maroons for four years (1948-52) and still ranks as the school's second all-time scorer with only Jack Adams topping him. The square-jawed Baechtold started every game but one in his four years at Eastern and during that span he scored 1.137 points for a 12.9 average. Baechtold decided to come to Eastern at the last-minute and the efforts of a former Murrayan nearly had him playing basketball at Alabama. Floyd "Red" Burdette, who is now coach at the University of Tennessee, Martin Branch, was coach at Alabama when Baechtold graduated from high school. Burdette, who is one of Murray's all-time greats, had signed Baechtold to a grant-in-aid and the 215-pound Pennsylvania was scheduled to play both basketball and football at 'Bama.

Baechtold was on his way to football practice at Tuscaloosa when he stopped by the Eastern campus for a visit He was impressed by Coach McBrayer and wired home for his parents to ship his trunks to Richmond instead of to Alabama. The rest of Baechtold's career is history as he went on to become "Rookie Of The Year" in the NBA and was a standout for the New York Knicks for several years. aunng the early minutes of the game to move far out in front Preston Brewer, announced pariiAr liers ideas for the sake of change. Collier, back with the Cleve In the other Garden eame 62 Mark Reiner put on a scintillatint? in the week as only one of three land Browns, was mature, mild display of long-range jump shooting that sparked NYU over Tem unanimous selections on the All- Joppa at Brookport Tamma at Cairo Sumner Mound City at Vienna Saturday WESTERN KENTUCKY North MarshaU at Tilghman Dawson Springe at Calloway St Mary's at South MarshaU Sedalia at Mas field S1U AT ILLINOIS STATE MIDDLE TENN. AT MOREHEAD BRADLEY AT LOUISVILLE MISS.

STATE AT TENNESSEE MISSISIPPI AT KENTIIfKV Kentuckiana Junior CnlWn rn mannered, conceded to be a brilliant tactician. ple. The blond six-footer hit 12 ference basketball team todav to consider once aeain the Bradshaw is vouneer. adpnt In case of old Archie Moore, who through 21 points during the first-half in pacing the Indians to their GLENMORE VODKA Charcoal Filtered putting his thoughts across, and leaves no doubt that any boy who plays for him had better tr thp stands in danger of losing another piece of his evaporating light-heavyweight boxing title. ot nyu's final 14 points in regulation time, pumped in eight of the Violets' 11 in overtime, and finished with 35.

Bucky Keller, the only senior in Virginia Tech's lineup, collabo comiortame halltime margin. The Winnin? Indiana rptnrno? II.I.IIMnf at inwi line. Most of his aides are new EASTERN AT MURRAY from the intermission pause and Unless the old camoaiener can and' young. show Drool he has simprl fnr KY. WESLEY AN AT EVANSVUXE MARTIN BRANCH AT DELTA SOUTHERN ILLINOIS Jnnna mt Uiintirii rwi i .1 picKen up right where they left off before the half.

P.Tn Bradshaw savs he has "frp. fieht with either Harold mendous resoect for Collier, it's Fight Results added to its lead and commanded or Doug Jones, the commission is unfortunate he didn enjoy more Cave-In-Rock at Carrier Milla Cairo at Karnak Cairo Sumner at Venice Lincoln a 3u-point lead early in the second half. success than he did. But I won't By The Associated Press PHILADELPHIA George Benton, Ph ladelnhla. i.

i expectea to strip nun oi nis title. No announcement of such a fight has been made. Metropolis at McLeaniboro make any comparisons." Coach Sonnv Haws mmiJ Adair, 162Vi, Unden, N.J.; 4. MIAMI. Fla.

UmrH Iflfl lit most of his regulars about mid Bradshaw, an Alabama native, Moore, in California, was not ami, stopped Jimmy Robinson, 176, available lor comment. way ot the last-half, but the Indians continued to pad their ad piayed center-linebacker at Lanier High in Montgomery, Ala. He came to Kentucky and Moore's title, which he won Reidland, Lyon County Split Reidland's erade school teams Cnr stensMi. iw. rvM.m-i, vantage.

i 1 1 gnaiunj u- clslon over John McCormack, I59''j, 100 PROOF EH NEW REDUCED IJJ PRICES JL 40 1 V2 Pt. jiiBg changed to end because of his The hot-shootine" Rrewpr fin. ished the contest with si nnint nine years ago, is recognized in New York, Massachusetts and Europe. If the New York group dethrones Arehie. the other hnriies slight 175-pound frame, quit for ot-uimnu, tot European middleweight championship.

(McCormack disqualified for hlttina fhritnn a tnree-year hitch with the Ma most of them coming on long one handed set-shots from thp pHup played games with Lyon County yesterday and won the 9th it-i was down). rines, and returned for three are expected to follow suit. more seasons and a master's de of the foul circle. PARIS, Franca Angel (Robinson) Garcja, Havana, stopped Mohamad Ben Said, France, 7. Lightweights.

PRFSTftKI. Pimtinrf lu gree. Three other PJC rJavers manl Last Defense In June grade tilt, but lost the eighth grade contest. The Reidland freshman won a aged to reach mirpc He coached at Lanlpr Hitrh nt ridge, England, stopped Orlando Mississippi State Meets Vols v. Kentucky, Ole Miss Clash On Saturday By VERNON BUTLER, AP Sports Writer Refreshed by its victorious march through Louisiana Mississippi State headed for Knoxville today for the first leg of a perilous, final journey which doubtless holds the answer to its hopes for a successful defense of the Southeastern Conference basketball championship.

Kentucky and Alahama At vnri. 45-26 verdict from Lyon County niyc'ia, j. miaaieweignrs. TOKYO Hlrnvitltl I. The National Boxing Association stripped Moore of its version of the title a year ago because of inactivity, the same reason the ous stages, he helDed rievelnn wnue me eigntn grade dropped a 41-31 decision.

Scrappy Dennis Gourley paced this, trio with 18, while Jim English and Ernie Owen collected 12 and 10 respectively. Bruce Fereuson nonnpd in si can Marr, quarterback for Na tional League Dro chamn firppn Reidland's ninth grade jumped stopped Marcel Juban, Philippines, 6 Flyweights. STOCKTON, Calif. Jose Luis vs. Dommy Felicia bout postponed to next Thursday, Feb.

15. SAN DIEGO, Calif. Charlie Smith, 163. Los AnaelM. lrtwv-H 7-i-.

ew xorK group is inreaieiung Glenmore Distilleries Co. louisville ond Owenjboro, Kentucky Bay. the 45-year-old fighter. out to a big 12-2 lead in the first Quarter and coasted home. Thp He added with a smilp- "Wo markers for Southeast Mo.

to tie Brewer for individual game honors. However. Fereuson was game Saeni, 160, Tijuana, 5. Greyhounds commanded a 21-8 may get our backsides beaten, but we're not conceding a thinu lead at Intermission. the only playe for Southeast able Archie's last defense was in New York last June 10 when he outpointed Giulio Rinaldi of Italy.

Last Friday, Gen. Melvin Krule-witch, chairman of the New York commission, gave Moore a one- to any of the 10 teams we face." Curtis Howe and John Lamhert IpWMWJtfafcllMI WWWIJJ JHI8.LU Jl jf mWIMWUMmWJfltlPi-WfltUlWM Mm. 1 ine oniy moi on we Mississippi to nit double-numbers. provided the scoring mmrh fnr State record came on the Bull Barring a whole series of astonishing form reversals. th hnttio Paducah Junfnr rnll 50-48 9b Reidland with 10 and 9 points re- does' last swine into the Ipamw'R Southeast Missouri 25-33 58 enprtivplv I PADUCAH junior rniiR aa.

for the chamnionshio is hotir Northern Division. Vanderbilt am I Butler 5. Johnston. Gourley 18. Love mnwi Lyon County eighth graders; ranee for a fight with either i.emucKy ana Mississippi State got hot in the last half of nlav owen 10, Phelps: 6, Brewer 31 Clark 9, EnlUh 12.

DrUklll 1. MlUer 2 against the Reidland eighth grade SOUTHEAST MISSOURI (58) Fer wiui a siate victory next Monday mandatory if Coach Adolph Rupp is to be stopped short of his 20th guson 31, MeMinamin 2, Sanfort nve to notch the triumph. The R. L. HERRING INSURANCE AGENCY 115 South 6th St.

Diol 443-7517 Haug 8, PhUUpi 6. Klnnamer 7. Johnson or Jones, who had posted challenges and $2,500 forfeit checks with the commission. At the time, Moore said he was "grateful for the reprieve" and said he would come up with some- tt TTr rr mi ah conlerence title. After the Tennessee and Kpn.

count was knotted 16-all when the halftime buzzer sounded. NINTH GRADE you're micom TO use it tucky games, Mississippi state All Illirii Athletes Are Ruled Eligible neiuiana 11 21 33 4.1 Lyon County 2 8 23 26 wmS Wllmn a WeeK REIDLAND IUlJll.vil.n A v. bushed them 100-86 at Nashville, and Georgia Tech almost ended their title hopes before bowing in the last second at Atlanta. State Has Last Fire At Home Mississippi State (6-1) meets Tennessee Saturday night, and the Vols although only 2-4 in the conference a good firepower and could make the evening uncomfortable if Coach Babe McCarthy's aces have too much of their attention focused on the impending "game of the year" with Kentucky (7-0) at Lexington Monday night Other eames on Saturday's full ugures 10 nave a clear stretch run with its last five games in cozy Starkville. Johnson, of Philadelphia, gained treese 1, Howe 10.

Smith 8. Lam- CHAMPAIGN. 111. (AP) An Den uevuia a. ihnn a.

rnn. 8, Coovert 1. Tulane (3-1) is still In the title academic record unmatched in at NBA recognition as the light-; heavy champ last year when he knocked out Jesse Bowdry at Miami Beach. Jones, of Newj York, is thi No. 2 rhflllpnppr.

Hp picture, although the Greenies have played fewer parties than LYON COUNTY (26) Yatea 5, Polk 5. Young, Patton 4. Stire, Enalert 1, Willett Robertson 2. WadUncton. Morafield 7.

least 30 years has been set at Illinois with all winter sports athletes comDletinff first semester re- LAll Forms Of INSURANCE THOSE HOLIDAY BILLS FRANKLIN FINANCE COMDiMv other conference members. They were beaten badly by Mississippi jquirements without ineligibilities. "All mpmhpra nt tha 'varcifv EIGHTH GRADE oiaie ai nome ana sun must meet is unbeaten in his division and has lost only to heavyweight Eddie Machen. Lyon Count? 4 18 '2S 41 Keldland .8 18 23 31 i.von rnitMTV rm ii. I.

State, Kentucky and arch-rival basketball, track, fencing gymnas-LSU on the roaaV tics, swimming and If the New York commission OAUTO oHOME OMARIKE 502 Broadway Phone 443-3623 or 443-3fi24 Auburn (5-2) and LSU (4-2) will Estes 2. Enxler 18. MrKlnnejr, Bob-erton 7, Crasher 11, Choat. REIDLAND mt Thweatt 5. Pearce 4.

Connor 10. Anriirwui a n-n. teams met scholastic standards of the univprsitv and th Ri? Ten." SEC program feature Ole Miss at Kentucky, LSU at Georgia Tech. Tulane at Vanderbilt, Georgia at Auburn and Florida at Alabama. OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 8 P.M.

lifts Moore's title, it probably will suggest a Johnson-Jones fight for the crown. See KENTUCKY, Page 1J said Athletic Director Doug Mills. 3. Wall X..

The Paducah Sun from Paducah, Kentucky (2024)
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