Fall River Globe from Fall River, Massachusetts (2024)

8 THE DAILY GLOBE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1902. INDICATIONS. BOSTON, Sept. New EngPartly cloudy tonight and SatWarady: cooler Saturday; variable winds, becoming northwesterly. TIME OF TIDES.

(From U. S. Geodetic Survey Table.) Saturday, September 9:28 a. m. 10:02 p.

high, 4:28 a. m. 4:50 p. m. LOCAL LINES.

Mayor Grime is in Boston on business today. Edward F. Hanefy left for Holy Cross college yesterday. Francis J. Duff has returned to Holy Cross college to resume his studies.

The 56th meeting of the Old Colony Christians Endeavor next union Tuesday. will be held Mrs. M. W. Glendon, the North Main street hair dresser, has returned from extended vacation spent in the Catsan kills, A load of vestubule cars for the Old Street Railway has arrived and Colony, immediately -placed on the tracks.

The Republican county committee will meet in Taunton today at the court house, to fix the date of the county convention. The delegates to the county convention of the A. O. H. have made rangements with Fr.

Coyle of Taunton to attend mass at his church at 10:30 Sunday morning. The annual reunion and meeting of the Twentieth Century Minstrel club will be held Tuesday night, Sept. 30th, at 8 o'clock in Clarence Williston's piano rooms in the Hudner building. Boston excursion train to Newport yesterday brought 576 passengers on what was announced to be the last excursion of the season. If the weather holds as pleasant as it now is there will probably others.

Soft coal is now being used exclusively at Fort Adams, as there is no more. hard coal to be had for the post. It is necessary to in the ranges which are cooking for uneathin the men, as well as for power purposes, The Jury in the case of W. J. Flynn, executor, vs.

Ellen Flynn, a contest o1 of David Flynn, were out at the adjournment of the Suffolk supreme court before Judge Knowlton, yesterday afternoon. J. W. Cummings for will, J. J.

Feely for contestant. The taxes will be completed by the assessors tomorrow, when the official lists of local residents, corporations and non-residents will be published in The Globe. The clerks in the assessors' office are now copying bills for the collector, who will send them out as soon as they are ready. The small bluefish that have not been plentiful about here for years are being caught off Newport in such quantities that they are being sold in the market. Butterfish are also being caught In traps, and small mackerel have become so plentiful that the peddlers are selling them.

Among the corporations which have fled articles of incorporation in Maine In Sunshine company, for the purpose of carrying on a general printing and publishing business, with $10,000 capital, President, Joseph Willamson of Augusta; treasurer, Joseph W. Flaherty, Fall River, Certificate approved Gept. 9th. Shipments both by, water and rall continue to pour into the freight yards in large quantities and the bustle of tracks and general activity in handling the consignments is worth seeing. This morning the City of Fall River arrived with large consignment of grape sugar for some of the local breweries, as well as considerable miscellaneous freight.

Rev. H. H. Critchlow has arranged for Sunday evening services in the North Dighton M. E.

church at o'clock as follows: General subject: "Sacred Song as a Help in the Christian Life," Sept. 14-In Seeking Christ; Sept. 21-In Finding Christ; Sept. In trial and conflict; Oct. 5-In consolation and victory; Oct.

12-In preparation for service. "Reader" asks the, Globe to. state what form of oath is man who is taking out naturalization. papers. To become a must foreswear allegiance to every foreign prince and potentate, and especially government under which he was born.

The name of the ruler of the country in which he was born is the only one mentioned in the oath. Superintendent Bates has called a special meeting of the school committee for Tuesday night and it is probable that some important matters will be considered. The committee will give a hearing to Benjamin Cook, who has asked for the privilege of Appearing before the board and giving sons why he considers himself an eligible candidate principalship of the High school. ing I. N.

Marshall, division superintendent, Mr. Tuttle roadmaster of Taunton, and J. C. architect, were in consultation at the Ferry street crossing this morning and making observations at. this place prior to beginning the grade crossing work.

A hoisting engine thur and other paraphernalia necessery for the work have been placed near Ferry tion. street and it is planned begin operations at this point immediately, W. H. Brock of Boston, a baggageman on the express train which passed through Providence at 2:03 o'clock p. with a severe ac- are Wednesday, met cident at Wickford Junction, when the train was passing that point.

He struck his head against an overhead lamp, which cut a gash three inches long in the scalp. He left the train at Westerly where, he recelved surgical treatment, after which sent to his home on a returning train. William B. 'Bradshaw and his wife, Sarah, will celebrate the 50th anniversary of their marriage at their home, 28 Maple street, Taunton, Saturday. The reception will be from 3 to 5 in the afternoon and from 7 to 10 in the even ing.

Invitations have been sent to many friends, to Post 3, G. of which Mr. Bradshaw is an honored member, and to the Women's Relief corps. Friends are expected from Lonsdale, R. Fall River, Providence and elsewhere.

This noon 350 children of Newport were passengers on a train of special electric cars bound to Island Park in charge of Clarence J. Greason. The joyous meeting was the occasion of the celebration of the second anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. T.

Shaw Sate, who have twice before, the day they married and on the occasion of their first wedding anniversary, tertained the children. The cars with the children passed through the city and through Middletown and Portsmouth singing until they' reached- the Island Park when the order to 'dismount was given and to the well arranged long tables they marched and partook of bountiful meal. COURT CHRONICLES. Fine of $100 Imposed In Stabbing Case. Bad Youth with a Record Sent to Reformatory.

Driver Punished for Cruel Treatment of Horse. Edward Moran was convicted on complaint charging him with cruelty to a horse. Officer MAdams caught him in the act of unmercifully beating hsi horse which. was trying to draw a heavy load up Danforth street. He was fined $25.

John Jacob pleaded not guilty of peddling without a license. He was taken tolnta custody by Officer Reagan him in company with a. sailor man to whom he had tried to a lot of trinkets for 85 cents. At the station he was searched and his pockets contained several boxes of' cheap jewelry. John Jacob, with the assistance of an Armenian interpreter told the judge that he had the goods for the purpose of making his friends few presenta.

The judge evidently thought that John Jacob was giving him 4 "Jolly" and imposed upon him a fine of $40. Alfred Yoken who had had several continuances on complaint charging him with disturbing the peace was tried and discharged. Sebastin Sabbott came up for a hearing charged with assault and battery on Walanty Korzasse with a weapon, to wit, a knife. The trial occupied the greater part of the forenoon with James Morris for the defense. The evidence was in line with the story of the stabbing already printed in The Globe.

There had been a beer-drinking party of Polanders' on Unity street in which there was the inevitable afterrow. Sabbott came out into the hall and engaged the other fellow in a handto-hand conflict in which he drew his knife and stabbed wildly in the direction of his opponent. Walanty on the face and back. The prisoner mitted everything and told the story of the cutting without reserve. On this account the court said that he was titled to consideration.

He had told the truth and was fined $100. Philip and Danto Levesque, Wilfred Belanger and Joseph Gaudreau were charged with unlawfully taking and usIng a boat, the property of Andrew Lytoons. Gaudreau was also charged with assault and battery on Lyons. The evidence showed that the que boys took the boat and rowed across the pond where they were joined by the others. When discovered by the owner they deserted the craft and came back across the Narrows.

Lyons encountered them and asked for an explanation when he says Gaudreau struck him. For this Gaudreau was fined $40. Belanger was discharged and the Levesque boys were put on probation. James Webb the third member of the gang of young men charged with break- This morning the probation officer reported 10 drunks arrested and seven 1 released. Three timers were fined $5 each.

Jeffery Hammal was charged with the larceny of a few pounds of brass pipe from the American Thread company and he pleaded guilty. It was shown that is a driver for Dunn, the junk man, and was sent to the Kerr thread mill to get a load of junk. While there he appropriated a few pounds of brass pipe and on his way down town sold the stuff to a junk dealer, where it was recovered by the police. He was fined $15. Thomas Behan, a man who found marriage a failure, was before the court charged with non-support of his bride.

that he married her about a year ago and that three weeks after the ceremony he left for parts unknown. Recently he came back and now she him to live up to his agreement to love and support her. Thomas admitted that he balked at the very threshold of matrimony, but that owing to circ*mstances over which he had no control, was induced to marry the and his wife were sent into the private room of the probation officer, where they were given some good advice from experienced married man, and when they out Thomas was of the opinion he would take up the yoke once marthas He was placed under the charge the probation officer's protecting wing. Fred Collins was charged with stubbornness and pleaded guilty. In view of the best information obtainable Fred is a bad boy.

He was one of the party of youngsters who were prominent in the alleged purchase of beer at Reynold's bar room some time ago which resulted in the firm losing its liquor license. At, that time he ran away. When he came back he insulted his mother and she had him arrested. She told the court that he was entirely outside of her influence and she wanted him sent to jail. He had called her vile names.

When Officer Davol put him under arrest he remarked that he would cut his mother's throat when got out. The Judge gave him the limit Concord prison. Elizabeth Webb, was before the court on an old complaint, charging her with assault and battery on Catharine Carey in August, 1899. This allegation was dismissed at the suggestion of the marshal, and the prisoner fined $15 on another complaint, one disturbing the peace, on which she had been adjudged guilty and put on probation. Edward Moran was convicted on and entering the residence of Charles Harrington and the larceny of whiskey, and Sit breaking into residences on June and North Main streets pleaded guilty and was held until tomorrow.

Oliver Deforge, Fred Fillion and ArParent small boys charged with disturbing the peace were put on proba- of fall styles at George F. Sullivan's. Handsome styles in black cheviots and worsteds, green and gray effects. The quality and workmanship excellent. The priees, $8, $10, $12, $15.

$2.00 BOOTS Several new lines for Fall are in our popular Boardman Boots No better shoes for $2.00 are sold anywhere, and you take no risk, as we guarantee every pair. ALL UNION MADE. $2.00 A PAIR SULLIVAN ONLY AGENT. 155 SOUTH MAIN ST BRADY'S BLOOD PILLS make the new rich blood. Especially recommended for sallow complexion and pale people.

They Improve the Appetite and impart strength and tone to the entire system. 100 in a. bottle for 45c BRADY'S Granite Block, Corner. Pocasset. OUR DEPARTMENT It.

strikes us that it's time to shed your light-weight elothing and prepare for the coming season. We wish we might tell you here all about our new FALL SUITS but Impossible and we can only describe them by the one word, elegant. We are showing every new fabric, cuts and wrinkle of style and we will touch your pocketbook very lightly while making you one of the best dressed men in town. Don't; overlook our Hat and Shoe Department when you want something that is new and nobby. -Don't forget, also, that we are having Our Fall Opening in Our Custom Department where you will find one of the grandest and nobbiest selections in this city, Let us clothe you and I know you will be satisfied.

R. BAILLIE, Mammoth Credit House, 338 SPRING STREET. TEETH $6 PER SET. DR. J.


Don't Forget To bring your photograph to Free Portrait and Photo Button Dept. Our portraits and photo buttons are finished. by the very best artists and we can guarantee perfect istaction to each customer with only $1.00 purchase which entitles you to a life size, bust, crayon portrait, absolutely free of charge. BUY YOUR PORTRAIT FRAMES WHERE YOU PLEASE. We make six beautiful carbon finished cabinet photos and one large panel for 98c.

Fine work for little money. Ask for: a ticket when purchasing anywhere in the store. Can You Come in Tonight or Tomorrow If you can possibly come, COME. We gat such a brilliant array of pretty new merchandise for tall that we're awfully anxious for you to come and pass your judgment. And what's more, bring your friends and neighbors along, too.

They'll thank you for it, for they, too, will be anxious to see all the NEW STYLES IN SILKS AND DRESS GOODS, LADIES' SUITS, JACKETS, COATS, SKIRTS AND WAISTS; THE NEW MILLINERY, NEW LACES, RIBBONS AND DRESS TRIMMINGS: NEW CARPETS AND RUGS; FURNITURE. BESIDES, YOU LITTLE KNOW WHAT A SPLENDID LINE OF Special Attractions We Have Gathered Together for This Week End Selling. The Few Hints of the Many More Tailor Made Suits Style- -the first consideration with every woman is embodied in every suit in this stock. Styles stand for much, including perfection of fit, workmanship and materials, for how could a garment be stylish if it didn't possess these charms. Those who are interested in style will hugely enjoy this fall exhibit.

$12.00 for nobby Suits of ox-grey, golf cloth. Plaid back. Coat and made with the slot seam effect. $12.75 Stylish Venetian Cloth Suit, blouse front coat, postillion back, skirt. These ready black and blues.

$15.75 A chic Suit of the Coronation Cloth, blouse cont, sailor collar, peplin skirt made flare and Norfolk plaits. These blues and black. $15.75 for a swell Pebble Cheviot Suit, double breasted coat, revers faced with pole de sole, skirt new flare style. $15.75 We are showing a handsome Walking Suit of Pebble Cheviot in black, ox grey and blue, coat made Norfolk style, skirt to match; an excellent suit for shop girls, school teachers, etc. New for Fall Waists and walking skirts we have gathered here to greet you, $2.88 we are offering a mighty fine line of walking skirts, At of fine Melton, either flare or flounce, nicely stitched, blues, made gray, walking skirt of fine Melton cloth, made with flare black.

with tabs and buttons; this is a regular $5.00 skirt. $3.98 flounce, trimmed Our line of walking skirts at $5.00, $6.00, $7.00, there up to $12.00, you'll find unequalled for style, fit and price and workmanship. some of the new styles in coats, an innovation this Ask to see season. The advance guard of the fall assortment of waists is heredaintily pretty de things in Fashion flannels, says, too, white pique vesting and in wool materials, taffeta, peau de sole, peau sygne. madras waists are to be extensively worn, in these we are 82.98 showing a The superbly New pretty Skirts line -The most impressive assortment of dress skirts at $1.25, 81.49, $1.67, $1.98 and New Fall Flannel Waistings Our present showing of this Dressing Sacques, Kimonas and and most comprehensive we've particularly choice and they There are plaids, stripes and solid colors.

Our showing at 12 ingly pretty, say, northing of the abroad. See our special Silkaline Covered Our Blankets at $1.98, Good 10-4 white, gray and tan favored material for Shirt Waists, lounging gowns is the handsomest ever made, the patterns this season are number into hundreds, figured designs, besides all the desired 1-2 and 15e per yard exceedfiner French Conceits fetched Blankets and comfortables Sale More people are attending and sharing in its offering than any other event of its kind that we know of, because it is an occasion fraught with advantages to buyers that are not equalled elsewhere or that will be presented late in the season. All blankets are best money can produce. All comfortables. are filled with clean white cotton or down.

Comfortables at $1.59 $3.50, $4.98, 85.98 and $6.00 color Blankets as cheap, as 40c pair Don't Skip This Item For Friday and Saturday only we. will, In order to more thoroughly introduce our beautiful line of dress goods, make to your measurements a 6 or 7-gored, tailor made dress skirt, ft and workmanship positively guaranteed, of all wool, plain and mixed Venetians and snowflake basket cloth, using best brush braid and 15c percaline and 25c canvas, for the sum of $4.75 This an opportunity you should all certainly grasp, as it places before you a chance to get a real stylish, up-to-date skirt at a real bargain. McWhirr's Emporium The People's Most Popular Shopping Resort YOUR House May Burn When there seemed to be no reason to expect it. It ought to worry you enough now to interest you to buy one of our insurance policies. JOHN P.

SLADE SON 57 North Main St. MONEY TO LOAN We advance money on all kinds of curities on the easy payment plan. All business strictly confidential. No you need money call in on us for terms, I charge for 3 South information. Main street.

GRAHAM Owing to the Overwhelming Success of our Sheet Music Sale last week. We have decided to repeat our great offer again tonight and Saturday, 1000 Cowies of the very latest and most popular vocal and instrumental sheet music. Worth 25c to 50c at (4c Copy For sale in music department basem*nt. Don't Miss This Great Offer. New Fall Millinery Women's and Misses' Hats, with a lot of attention to school Hats Beautiful Tucked Jap Silk Hats, with crown of chenile velvet or silk.

Manufacturer's price $3.50. Special, this week's $1.98 Ready-to-Wear Walking Hats A full line of the above in all the latest colorings and combinations. For Friday and Saturday we are showing 38. specials $1.98, $2.08, $3.98 We draw your special attention to the $2.98 sorts. These are made of new Scratch Felt, nattily trimmed with wing or bird to match felt, in brown and blue.

Good News of Art Needlwork Novelties Handsome new line of Linen Pillow Tops and Bottoms, designs to work. 25c each New and exceedingly pretty line of Mercerized Silk Cords, all colors for. 12 a yard It Will Pay You to Visit Our HouseFurnishing Dept. This Week End 3 packages of Toilet Paper 3 packages of very best 10c quality for 25c 25c Gas Globes for Waste 49, 59, Oiled Wash Tubs 69 and 79c Clothes Pins 10e a hundred See our Clothes Washing. Machine, 8 wonder, $8.08 Folding Lunch Boxes 10e Decorated Salad Bowls De Decorated Plates, 8 sizes Te each Mason's Fruit Jars 86e dozen 75c, $1.00 AND $1.25 CHATELAIN BAGS, STEEL each Borden Remington REMOVAL! On or about Ad June lat our office will be at.

172 Anawan (Metacomet Min Office.) Our wholesale and retail department for all kinds oils, paints, and facturera' supplies; Anawan street. Drugs, chemicals and dye stuffs. Telephones -Bell, 426 andi436; Automatic, 8521. Prompt delivery and quality guaranteed. BORDEN REMINGTON.

JOHN C. GREENE, PLUMBING. Steam and Hot Water Heaters Gas Fitting and Sewering in All Its Branches Everything in the Line of Gas tures and Trimmings. Agent for the Winchester Heater. SECOND ST.

Telephone 563-28. THAT BLACK EYE Can be painted so would never know it had happened. All Facial Disfigurements Obliterated. WALTER Portrait 63 RODMAN Fall River, Mass. COPYRIGHT, 1002, THE EAGAN-SINDEL NEw YORK.

Our Weekly Sale of Boys' Clothing Offers the Following Special Values Boys' double breasted blue cheviot suits, sizes 8 to 14 years; tonight and Saturday, Instead of $1.49... $1.13 Boys' vestee suits strictly all wool in fancy mixtures, 3 to 5 year old $1.49 and $1.98 Boys' blue cheviot pants, heavy weight, 3 to 14 25c Boys' Ping Pong hats, new for Felt sallor 40c to 81.25 Some Real Special Value in Good Serviceable Footwear 75- pairs of women's box calf, lace shoes; not a pair worth less than $1.50 a pair; exceptional value; our price tonight or $1.25 a pair Sizes to 7. 75 pairs of women's box calf, lace boots, sizes to 7: just the shoe for fall and winter; extra $1.50 a pair We're doing an exceedingly nice business in our boys', youths', misses' and children's Faultless School Shoes $1.25 and $1.50 a pair Truly we know of no shoe that will excell their wearing qualities. Special Sale of Large Rugs Tonight and Saturday we offer and exceptional strong item in tapestry rugs, sizes 9. feet by 10 feet, at $10.00 Choice selection and a great value.

Grand exposition of New Floor Coverings for Fall, 1902. Won't you come and look them over? POCAHONTAS? COAL $5.50 PER TON -SHOVELED IN I- Our trade in this Coal for domestic purposes shown steady Increase for several years and we are prepared to meet the extra demand which the high price and scarcity of hard coal, at this time, creates. There is nothing better for STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATERS, And it- also makes an excellent fuel for COOKING STOVES AND RANGES. Wm. C.

Atwater Co. OPENING! Fall suitings and from $15 to $25, No larger display in Boston or New York. Fall hats, fall neckwear, fall fancy shirts now on display. Special All Leather Dress Sult Canes, $2.98, worth $4.00. The balance.

of my Negligee Shirts that sold for $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50, now, .08. Gent's Fancy Hosiery, regular $,50 and 1.75 grade, now 8.80. Robot Caine,.

Fall River Globe from Fall River, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

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Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.